
Conjurer - Seamstress - Adventuring hopeful


Name: Ivoria Kara Taylor
Nicknames: Ivy
The ancient family Kara
Since close to the time of Gridania's founding, the family Kara has rarely produced Padjal. Even the normal hyur of the family sometimes show promise in conjury and hearing.
Like many of the old padjali families, they have experienced a decline of centuries, and the bloodline seems fated to die out within a generation.The last Padjal of the line, Asir-O-Kara disappeared during the Calamity and is presumed dead-------------One of the last of a Gridanian family of talent, Ivoria grew up in the markets of Shaded Bower and the Conjurer's Guild. Following an aunt more gifted than she could ever dream of being, she nonetheless studied diligently and aspired to nothing more than a good life.Until her aunt Asir-O became one of the many victims of the calamity, lost while trying to save both people and animals of the twelveswood.Bereft of one of her most beloved mentors at a formative time in her development, she floundered for a time before seeming to find her own feet, and her own talent for hearing and perhaps, something of her own purpose.


Stillglade Fane
Ivoria serves the Stillglade Fane as a Hearer. She can often be found there, or dispatched to other parts of the Twelveswood as needed.
Shaded Bower
Due to her familial market connections, she can often be found among the stalls - being lovingly pestered into helping out her family, or helping to inspect foreign goods to ensure all commerce is conducted under the elementals' favor.
The Carline Canopy
Though seemingly content on the surface, there is perhaps something in Ivoria that yearns for something a little more exciting. When she's not too busy, she can be found in places adventurers tend to gather, even if just to listen to their stories.

OOC Info

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